"When you look at my artwork, I want you to be reminded of who you are! You are beautiful! You are colorful! You are elegant! You have so much to be proud of! You are stunning! You change the vibe & energy in every room you enter! You make people look twice! People gravitate towards you! You are confident & your body language shows just how confident you are! You do things on purpose & with purpose! You embrace your natural self & give others permission to do the same! You have a high standard! You are enough!" -Ebony London

“Beloved, I think about what it took to get you and I to this very moment. I’m thankful for all the men you’ve kissed and the women I’ve kissed. I’m thankful for all the heartbreak you’ve experienced and the heartbreak I’ve experienced. I’m thankful for the traffic jams you’ve had to patiently sit in and the long lines at the store I’ve had to wait in. I am thankful for the argument you had with your mother at the age of 14 and the fight I had with my brother at the age of 16. I’m thankful for the elementary school your parents enrolled you in and the high school my parents enrolled me in. I am thankful for that trip you took to Italy when you were fresh out of college and that camping trip I took with my family a few years ago. I am thankful for that time you had cramps and went to the pharmacy seeking relief. I am thankful for the time I broke my leg and had to wear a cast for three months. I am thankful for every word you ever spoke. I am thankful for every tear I ever cried. I am thankful for every song you ever danced to. I am thankful for everything because I know if anything had been different, this moment would be different. Nothing we’ve experienced has been in vain. Everything we’ve experienced has led us to each other and to you, I thee wed.”
5ft l x 4 ft w/ Acrylic on canvas/AFP
‘Beloved” @ Colorful Exhibit in Sacramento CA
Our Presence
5ft l x 3 ft w/ Acrylic on canvas/AFP
Our Presence @ Second Saturday Art Event @ Ebony London Art Studio
The Pillars
Confidence, Fearlessness, Creativity & Purpose each stood in a corner of the room. They quietly observed the children as they played together. The children’s ages ranged from 1 minute old to 105 years old.
“I don’t think I can do it!” Confidence overheard Jason confess to Michelle.
Confidence left her corner and went to where Jason and Michelle stood. She whispered in Jason’s ear, “Believe in yourself! Believe in your abilities! You can do it! You got this! You were made for this!”
A smile began to form on Jason’s face as he listened to Confidence.
“Michelle, I know I can do this! I was made for this!"
Confidence quietly walked back to her corner.
“What if I fail?” Fearlessness heard Mary ask Luke.
Fearlessness left her corner and went to where Mary and Luke stood. She whispered in Mary’s ear, “The Universe will honor your fearlessness! Whatever sets your soul on fire, that is what you must do! Just take the first step!”
A smile began to form on Mary’s face as she listened to Fearlessness.
“Luke, I’m scared and I don’t know exactly what’s going to become of this but there is no way I’m not going for it!”
Fearlessness quietly walked back to her corner.
“I will just do what everyone else is doing.” Creativity heard Marcus tell Lisa.
Creativity left her corner and went to where Marcus and Lisa stood. She whispered into Marcus’s ear, “You were born to stand out! You are not like anyone else! You have vision! You have skill! You have talent! Use what you have!”
A smile began to form on Marcus’s face as he listened to Creativity.
“Lisa, I’m not going to do or be what everyone else is doing and being! I have a
vision that I will give birth to! I will use and trust my skills and talents!”
Creativity quietly walked back to her corner.
“I’m useless! The world would be better off without me.” Purpose heard Thomasina say to Nellie.
Purpose left her corner and went to where Thomasina & Nellie stood. She then whispered into Thomasina’s ear, “You are still here because you have a purpose! Your purpose is bigger than you! Look outside and see what your beautiful self has to offer this world and you will find your purpose! You have to seek a purpose to find a purpose!” A smile began to form on Thomasina’s face as she listened to Purpose.
“Nellie, I’m still here! That means I’m not done! If this world needed anything from me, it is that I find my purpose and that I start operating in my purpose, on purpose!”
Purpose quietly walked back to her corner.
Confidence, Fearlessness, Creativity & Purpose continued to stand quietly in their corners, ready to provide support at any moment. The pillars.
5ft l x 3 ft w/ Acrylic on canvas/AFP
“The Pillars” @ Colorful Exhibit in Sacramento CA
The Key
3 ft l x 4 ft w/ Acrylic on canvas/AFP
“The Key” @ Colorful Exhibit in Sacramento CA
“Yes I Did!” @ Colorful Exhibit in Sacramento CA
“Yes I Did!” @ Colorful Exhibit in Sacramento CA